

Monday, June 24, 2013

Opt out haze, creatures saved boredom

"Intern? jadi office boy je la kau"

Someone says that to me.

I was hoping to gain as many things as I can. But looks like I am paid to wander about and melanguk for the whole day.. Pretty fun huh? But at some point, you will be stressful pretending to have things to do, tasks to do. Same goes to my friend who just got a job in the same company, a real worker, melanguk je keje. Penat tau tak gara-gara kebosanan.

Luckily, the internet is free to surf except those entertainment websites. Understood. So, here I am.. googled some cute creatures and tadaaa! Found one who interest me. 


I loooooove monkey.. They are extremely cute! I chose Ungka tangan putih and fell in love with them since 5 years ago.they  have long hand and tails, with small heads. Macam tak proportionate, tapi comel! They are not, monkey but gibbons. 

Dusky leaf monkey can be found in Malaysia, Myanmar and Southern Thailand. Look at their eyes! They have like large white circles ringing each eye giving an appearance like spectacles. The hair? pacak-pacak tu! standing straight! Wanna hug them so badly and play with their hair. :P

The babies are born in orange or yellow color, but eventually when they grow 6 months and older, the baby fur turns to gray and darker by years. MashaAllah. God's creation is wonderful isn't? Just imagine your hair when you were born is black, then it turns to blue years by years and keep changing. Tak payah nak dye rambut ye dak? They live high up on the trees! I can say above 35m from the ground? Preferable eating on young leaves but will eat fruits and flowers too. 

I had a wish to adopt a baby monkey and make him as a pet. But too bad, they are gonna be wild once they reach an age. Plus, it is way costly than having a cat as a pet. Anyway, I am glad to say that I am the owner of 10 CATS! 

YES.. 10 of them.. :P trying my best to make sure all in good condition. For now, half of them are having flu. Phew.. duit keluar macam air..

Anyway, back to my little dusky, I adore you. We shall meet one day!

“Brains are like hearts - they go where they are appreciated” - Robert S McNamara

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