

Monday, December 31, 2012

stranger again

To those who knows me; you don't need to know me really well, I enjoy making friends. I made a couple of them here in states. However, in the past or present, there are a few that comes to end without knowing the reasons. Like "we are no longer friends" kinda sad thou or I'm just being too pathetic?

I have 2 friends that just cut off the communcation without giving me apparent reasons. Few months have passed and I'm still wondering.. why? The first one, I am really not the cause of it. Some bad mouth literally screwed my feelings and told him off that I like this new friend. As a cover to shade tis bad mouth wrongdoings. Then, he distance himself from me. The second case was, probably my fault, because I confessed to this dear friend of mine. Kept the courage for so long. Anyway, We still become friends after te confession but it was just for a month. Few weeks after arriving in states. He made a decision to cut the friendship off and left me with fucking questions. Both of them have things in common; chose UK as a place to study. Motif?

Texas; 4.30 am; on i-10 highway; celine dion songs; love songs; blame azfar; winter roadtrip

My friends are mostly boys and this are the thing that will occur mostly. I guess I need to put this to an end. If I happened to like a guy, or anything that involves feelings, i would just remain silent. This gotta be end. I don't want to lose anymore friends.

Will I lose them forever?

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