

Sunday, April 22, 2012

saya michael schumacher running on Sepang International Circuit.

Greetings from road runner! Slept at 3 am but still can wake up this early.

As i stepped into Sepang International Circuit, I awed in amazement. It was my first time to SIC after 19 years living on this earth. Not bad ar.... The best part was, orang bayar mahal-mahal, ribu riban, ratus-ratus, nak duduk dekat grandstand, gua bayar rm55 je (tak silap) untuk lari on the circuit itself and lepak kat grandstand. Siap ber'finishing dkt finishing line. Ada jealous? :P

Kenangan terindah. Awesome achievement. Larian terbaik after Penang Bridge Marathon 2011.

I don't know how to start off with this story..

Alhamdullilah, berkat kegigihan training, parents pun beri kelonggaran balik malam, mereka sangat memahami :)  Dari segi latihan, kita kena usaha sendiri, parents yang penting, sokongan :)

My training:

  • Every tuesday: Turun Shah Alam, padang MBSA (8.30 pm - 10.00 pm)   [Shah Alam pacers] 
  • Every wednesday: Turun Tasik titiwangsa (8.30 - 10.00 pm)  [chap ayam runners]
  • Hari-hari lain training sendiri, kalau ada SCKLM running clinic, akan pergi juga.

Kalau nak cerita macam mana saya start lari, training macam mana, apa ilmu yang dapat sejak join groups, berkemungkinan, panjang ceritanya haa. Let's shorten the story by crapping about yesterday. :) i give 15 out of 12 to myself! It was a great achievement for me.


What i realized during this run, I improved a lot. To achieve success, improvements are as much as important as your success will be. It will motivate you, even though the improvements that happen are in a slower pace. Honestly, yesterday route was a thrill. Too many hills a.k.a hell. Memang mental block habis! Mental kena kuat bila lari jarak jauh ni. 

What I can see, syukur Alhamdulillah, no injuries after a quite long run. Just my right foot a bit sore, bengkak sikit but i can still walk like a normal person, no blisters, and perut meragam sikit. So, here we go - Usually timing for 3K run - 20 mins. Slowly it reduces, 5K run - 30 mins and yesterday 6.6K run - 32 mins. *smile ear to ear* Once, i made a sub 1 for 10K ( means less than an hour, which was 52 mins) Yesterday, with all those helly hills, I managed to do 11K for 70 mins in exact!

Overall summary (based on polar watch) 
Timing : 1:34:00
Maximum pace: 3.8 min / km
Starting pace: 5.3 @ 5.5 min / km [agak sengal awal-awal ni pace laju]
Average pace: 6.3 min / km
distance: 15.5 km

Anyway, I would like to thank Kak yan (zyra yusof) and afiq zulkifli sebab bagi semangat padu especially during finishing. Menjerit dari grand stand tu and Redz tarik suruh saya lari lagi , memang awesome. We are really like a family. First time rasa macam tu, siap bawak makanan semua nak pergi berkelah. A feeling that I never felt before. Sangat terharu. I am not good in describing. 

Finishing moment:

Dari awal, da potong ramai - itu yang best bila start from the middle crowd, slowly potong orang. Last 4 KM, tak nampak perempuan kalau ada pun, dah potong, rasa bangga dah ada dalam hati.(hoping top 50 or 30) hehe. 3km jauh, nampak dah finisher stand.. tapi saya tahu, jauh lagi, jadi mental yang tak kuat ni, saya mampu pandang jalan & kaki redz. In my mind, her voice is the loudest - Ilyana Nazirah. Yang lain-lain, Wan Hizri, Tengku Sofie, Dayat, ayat edan syah pun ada juga. Last 2km, memang rasa nak nangis, tapi kuatkan juga. Mental sungguh jalan berbukit kat circuit.

Last 200m, terdengar suara Kak Yan, Redz dah bagi sign suruh laju, runners yang lain kat depan macam pelik and pandang belakang and looked at me. I was speeding, increasing my speed. Uncle india baju putih bagi sokongan kat tengah circuit tu, runners yang lain semua give way, semua ketepi. yes increment in speed,. Last 100 m, speed habis! wuhuu! spectators semua bagi sokongan! 

That was my best moment in life, finishing with STYLE on Sepang International Circuit! wuhuu! (hopefully ada la pic saya kat mana-mana) 

Paling terharu, runners lain semua ketepi and bagi kita sokongan. Rasa nak nangis bila ingat balik. 

nota muscle:
# awesome Syahir - 7 hours for 42 km ( 4 hours running, 3 hours walking ) Mental kau memang kuat!
# Dayat :( 42 km juga - 12 km terakhir dia tak mampu nak teruskan, naik ambulans terus. Tak pela, kita balun Half Marathon Standard Charted nanti! train hard okay? :)
# I am waiting for the official result sebab

Category G: 15.5km – Women Open
Name Country Official Time
1. Sheela a/p Samivellu Malaysia 01:11:15
2. Norliza Mohd Khalid Malaysia 01:27:20
3. Natasha Hritzuk Canada 01:34:41

me? based on polar watch (1:34:59) 


To the volunteers who helped a lot!
May god bless you all!


Unknown said...

congrats =))

Teh Tarik Drinker said...

excellent read on your run and congrats for finishing 6th!

I'll get there hopefully one day :D


syasya said...

Thanks teh tarik drinker. I agree with all your statements in your post. The outside loop was a difficult one. Most of the time were hills, up and down. :(