

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Cats changed my life.

Was once had a dream to have cats. I knew that I can’t have one because mom once asked, can I be responsible with that? How bout your nose? I have a flaring nose which is so annoying but I couldn’t care less. XD  blah blah blah. 1st of February, my handbag got stolen and for weeks I mourned. It’s kinda pathetic cuz I couldn’t move on.LOL macam orang mati je kan. I do love my stuff, who doesn’t? Ingat senang nak beli barang-barang tu semua? Ingat duit petik kat pokok? Sigh. How I wish my life is like that, plant a money tree, then whenever I want money, I’ll just pluck the leaves. Sumpah Heaven!

Move on, you guys did know I adopted a cat from #saveTheCats campaign organized by a retis Twitter @Myien. Hehe. I brought back a Tabby or Non-Pedigree cat which I named her, Kiki. Now, mom kinda likes cats, and I think she got the influence from me. She said she dislikes cats because during her past, the cat always litter around her her house and she was the one who needed to clean em.:3 But now is different, Kiki has shown her that not all cat is like that. Oleh itu, baru-baru ni, dia baru kutip a kitten from Larkin Wet Market. Just imagine, we brought that kitten back from JB to KL. :P Macam xde kucing lain kat kl ni haa. Tapi itulah. At first, Kiki tak suka kehadiran Bobbi (the new kitten) tapi lumrah alam, lama-lama pasti boleh masuk. Mereka hanya kucing. Lebih ada sensitivity dari manusia.

Kucing-kucing yang dikutip are now having a better life, let the pictures describes!

meet Kiki

Bobbi and Kiki staring at each other. 

I love my cushion!

Mom is so into cats now. haha

Don’t just adopt them then ignore them, they need love from you too. Try to put yourself in their shoes. Not to be an animal, but just understand their feelings. Each act u wanna do, ask yourself.

If you were a cat you would want.....

  1. to have cat food every day, with fresh water to drink all the time
  2. to have somewhere warm and cosy to sleep by yourself especially during heavy downpour
  3. to run and jump about and chase things, it would be better if someone play with me as well
  4. to have a scratching post or carpet to sharpen your claws and toys to play with
  5. to have your coat brushed to keep it clean and healthy.
  6. to be treated if you fall sick and be treated for fleas.
  7. to be taken to the vet for vaccination
  8. to stop producing unwanted kittens because too many animals have no homes to go, so please neuter me ( Cats can be add up till 67 000 in 6 years)


gjotafiq said...

aww youre the sweetest sya :D nak adopt jugak sempena cuti ni. any suggestion?

syasya said...

it's better to adopt than to buy. You won't regret, trust me. Just by seeing them grow bigger, fatter and healthier, it would make your heart grow fonder and love them more. Sometimes i think, the ones that we bought, agak mengada. You can just adopt them in SPCA, or just kutip dekat pasar or tepi jalan :B
