

Monday, March 5, 2012

Kidzania rocks!

Blogging is a way in exchange of writing a diary. Seriously, it has been a year since i didn't write on a diary. The mojo is just not there. Pfftt.. Hopefully i can start writing by the time I am out of Malaysia. Who knows i might share my stories with my friends. *berangan lagi*  By the way, did you realized, that I've also stop blogging actually, like half -way there. Selalunya, memang nak buat, but half-way, no mood a.k.a malas. Lama gila kan tak buat post? So, here I am *waving hands*

Pening betul nak fikir, mana nak sambut birthday, sebab selalunya, sambut kat rumah, masak laksa, tiup lilin, jemput orang. DAH! itu aje. But then, one day, mama flipped over the newspaper and saw KIDZANIA'S cover story in the Star newspaper. Lagipun, Irfan tak pernah buat segempak Imran. So, she asked me to make an enquiry, and yeah, we set our mind to celebrate in Kidzania. Actually, memang budak-budak ni memang da berangan nak pergi Kidzania since last year and tak sabar! Untunglah, budak-budak zaman sekarang. Kidzania is under Khazanah, so, no wonder lah kan? It's a good start for ze kids. They will play some roles and slowly they would understand how an adult or their parents work for living. I can see all of them are so ambitious in playing the roles. Very energetic ye know!

This generation: Main iPad, XBox 360, PS3 - Kita dulu? Batu seremban, Congkak, teng teng, Lompat galah [Evolution]

We wanted to celebrate it on 03/03/2012 cuz Si Atok Squirrel sebenarnya lahir on 03/03/03 at 3.33am, head circumfrence 33cm (macam besar kn? tpi itulah yg diberitahu) and he weighed 2.7 kg (lagi 0.3 nk 3kg) sayang sungguh. kalau tak semua dah 333333333.....

muka pfftt.. haha
Si Atok Squirrel was among the first batch who celebrated their birthday in Kidzania (04/03/2012) that was just opened on 28th February and we took the second session (4pm - 9pm) Few days before that we visited Kidzania and masuk sekejap untuk lihat-lihat. I awed in amazement. How I wish I am a kid. Asyik tweet je pasai berangan nak jadi budak-budak. Sangat best okay?! And agak-agak sesiapa tak dapat jadi or tak lepas jadi Pilot or Stewardess, rajin-rajinkan lah diri apply Part-time / Full-time job Dekat kidzania, ok lah kalau dapat sarung air asia punya costume then layan budak-budak yang ambitious sangat jadi pilot.. Kih kih kih ^__^" By the way, ramai juga si artis bawa anak-anak turun padang,  dan juga anak YDP neghori sembilan, Tunku Ali.

Here are the Kidzania details if you plan to make one, tapi untuk kids sahaja yaw!

Place: Between Ikea and Bently Music Centre, Opposite tesco. 
Sessions : 10 am - 3 pm / 4pm - 9pm
Tickets (for malaysians) : adult (RM 35) / child (RM 55) / Senior citizen > age 60 (RM30) [Ingatkan papa dah boleh, tatkala dia masih muda. kihkihkih]

Birthday Package : RM 800++ tak silap [including: parents tickets, invitation cards, birthday kid ticket, banner, special treatment, cake, banner] I don't know why, but for me it is freaking overpriced! Then, jemputan yang lain-lain, kena bayar harga ticket biasa =__=". 

When i was there, ada yang party seramai 40 pax, jadi sila lah ambil calculator dan mulakan kira-kira anda :O

Irfan: Pilot / Contractor / Painter / Petrol Pump attendant / Surgeon , i think itu je, tak ingat sangat
Lot's more to cover: Judge / hair stylist / CSI / Postman / Marrybrown / Radio DJ / NST Reporter / Stewardess / Notebook factory / Vitagen factory / Fireman / Police / Banker / Model / Cameraman

Gigih baca map before check in.
At the check in counter
 a 50 kidzos cheque

Pro la tu? hew hew hew

A Painter

A jeweller

AKU KAYA! After holding lots of posts

Post Office

Hair stylist

Kids that were so determine in putting out the fire.

So curious with what's going on in the bank

I have my own ATM card! He didn't use his money so, he deposited his money in the bank then next time, datang and kerja lagi!

Anyway, Happy 9th Birthday Irfan Naqieb, my Atok Squirrel, nampak nya ini party terbesar awak walaupun kita jemput orang yang sama jugak and no friends of yours. Nanti kakak dah ada duit kakak kasi hadiah, nak monopoly ek? (mahalnya, nantila kat US murah) haha! Next adik, Imran Khalief si Pesek's Birthday is on 12/12/12 ini gempak punya tarikh cuz mayan kata Apocalypse ek? Kat mana pulak nak sambut ek? ^__^"

I don't have many pics during this :( cuz i was the cameraman, pic xcantik sgt sbb baru beginner. Lulz

Overall, I am satisfied with Kidzania crews and the activities. Thank you so much for assisting us and we will come again! :) Can't wait for some kiosk or shops that's going to be open soon! :)

Coming soon 12.12.2012
Si Pesek

I was so tired because before the event, I went runinng at Dataran Merdeka - World Kidney Day Run 2012. What a joyful day that i should embrace :D

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